Q: Hi, I am looking for some information to stop menses alltogether. I think the herb or herbs that do that are hidden and I'd like to uncover what that is. I'd like to have control over my own body and decide for myself whether I'd like to bleed or not. I have had a lot of problems in my life because of this cycle and I would like to stop it naturally. I don't need to hear anything that would change my mind, this is how I truly feel. I cannot pretend to like bleeding and what is associated with it. I usually am a health nut, but recently decided to use the mini-pill, progestin only, because my lows were too severe and scary. I contemplated suicide each month and came too close to hating my life, so decided that the pill would be okay for me. I don't like some of the side affects so far, but they sure beat the lows. But, I'd rather find an herbal way to stop menses. I am doing research on the web and sending emails to as many herbalists as possible so I can find my answer. I believe that we had this power perhaps in medieval times and the church took away that herb or herbs from women to take their power away and their choices. If you can help me find what I am looking for, please let me know, Thank You, L.
A: Hello L., I hear you want to find an herb to stop your menses. I can understand you would like more control over your body, and see your bleeding times as more than even a nuisance. I hear you do not want to hear different opinions from me, so I will not offer them. I understand why you think herbs used to suppress menses may have been hidden from us. If so I do not know what they are. I do believe much of women's herbal knowledge has been suppressed. I am not sure if this is the case in this situation or if women then did not have use for herbs in this way. I wish I could help you in your search, but truthfully do not know of an answer for you.
Karen Joy
[email protected]
Dear L,
I have had extremely painful periods all my life and have also contemplated suicide during the unbearable pain, as well as the few days leading up to it. To know that it will continuously come back brings a heaviness to life that can be only understood by those who go through it for years, and years, and years. I have tried going on the pill, with less than positive results. I, too, am looking for a way to supress my menstrual cycle completely. It is better to live without menstruation than to want to die with pain every month.
Good luck on your Path,
With Love
Posted by: WithLove | September 09, 2012 at 03:21 PM
I noticed that most responses to the original post were from a couple of years ago, and I just wanted to see if someone had any updated info, or specifics. I am not interested in suppressing my period long term, just starting it slightly early or holding it off for a couple of days (my significant other and I are taking our first trip since the birth of our daughter...THREE YEARS AGO! yikes! and I happen to know that the trip is on the first day of my bleeding). I know what herbs to use to encourage my menstruation to occur a bit earlier, but was wondering if anyone had a specific regimen they follow that has worked well for them. By the by, as I had read through the three years of posts on here, I just want to remind that every woman's experience is different and special! No one is wrong in the way they experience their bodies, and the most important thing we can do for each other is encourage healthy natural means to make informed choices about our unique and beautiful bodies!
Posted by: Jess | July 01, 2012 at 06:19 PM