Q: You were very helpful last time, and I could really use some help with advice about HORRIBLE morning sickness.
A: Hello F., I had a lot of morning sickness early in my pregnancy too. One of the biggest help to me was Red Raspberry leaf infusions. I started drinking these regularly and noticed a change right away. However I learned not to drink them on an empty stomach in the morn or else....
The second biggest thing for me was learning the value of protein and keeping my blood sugar up. I read in Susun's Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year, and elsewhere, that morning sickness can be a drop in blood sugar. I would be sure to go to bed eating at least a good whole grain cracker or bread, and kept this with me through the night and day. In the morn I found it essential to start with this whole grain bread or cracker with a good almond butter, sometimes honey on top of that. Once my morning sickness was finally under control I would even have some meat at breakfast. This may sound nauseating now, but once I got it settled down with the infusions, crackers, bread and almond butter, I was able to eat as I pleased. Are there certain foods you are craving?
I wish you a wonderful pregnancy!! Please let me know if I can help further; you are welcome to write any time.
Karen Joy
[email protected]
Q: thank you so much for responding Karen. Those were some great tips! you can't imagine how nice it was to open this up and read your kind words. but could you explain, what is the difference between infusion and tea? take care Karen joy, and thank you **F.
A: A tea for me is a small amount of fresh or dried aromatic herb steeped in water for a short time, usually 2-5 minutes. An infusion is a much larger amount of dried nutrient rich herb steeped in boiled water in covered container for much longer, usually 4-8 hours. The difference is what I wish to get from the herb. If I wish the essential oils, I steep as a tea for a short time, and prefer fresh herb for some. If I wish the protein, minerals, or other nutrition from an herb, more like a nourishing food, I dry it first so the water is able to access it better, then steep an ounce per quart jar for at least four hours, most often overnight. I hope this explains it. Ask if you wish me to write more. I am happy to. lots of love to you and family!
Karen Joy