Q: I need Help I'm 32 woman, married for over 9 years without kids. My husband and I have tried IVF twice and failed. First Doctor said my tubes were blocked, surgery in 2003 to correct then they said I had polycystic ovary syndrome because I was overweight did gastric bypass lost over 100 lbs and still no baby. I not sure what the problem is, but I think my body is out of whack I need to be made whole. Can you guide me to the path of parenthood?
A: Hello, thank you for writing. You are wholly you, you are beautiful. What you can do is nourish this wholeness, your beauty. Have you read these articles:
Fertility Herbs
Fertility After Forty
You will see mention of Red Clover blossom infusions. They have worked wonders even for those with fallopian tube scarring. You can also nourish your hormonal system with Vitex (Chaste Tree) berry tincture. I know you really want a child, and for this reason I want it for you too. I encourage you to focus now on you as a fertile woman. Whatever this means to you. Foods, herbs, symbols, thoughts, anything that helps you in this way. If reading helps, perhaps you would enjoy Conscious Conception by Jeannine Parvati Baker.
Don't underestimate the power of the thoughts and images we surround ourselves with. Besides, anything you do to nourish yourself inside and out right now will carry with you forever. If you are to conceive, it will help you carry your child to term, have a more rewarding pregnancy and birth, and on into your mothering and nursing years. If you are not to conceive it will help you deal with this, and explore your many other life options to help you fill your desires. Since right now your choice and desire is to conceive a child, I would start with reading the above articles and see if anything there feels right for you.
There are so incredibly many answers out there as to how best to help you achieve your goals. Ours is only a handful in thousands. If you jump from one to another looking for quick results you may feel let down. The same is possible if you decide to try 20 different things at once. I invite to explore for some length of time, then decide what feels most appropriate to you and even perhaps give yourself a timeline for when to check in to see if you want to continue that/those, or whether you want to try something else.
We also have a wonderful resource available 24 hours a day. This is our online forum where people from around the world come to share life experiences and questions. By searching past posts, or starting a new one of your own, you may find a variety of ideas, support, and inspiration.
Please let me know if I can support you further. I am so happy to help, and also will want to hear what you choose and how it works for you. I am wishing you the absolute best!
Karen Joy
[email protected]
Q: Thanks for responding, I had a hsg on Monday. Today's report show tubes are hydrosalpinx. Are there any natural remedies for this?
A: Hello, it is my understanding that if one or both are hydrosalpinx, it is because of the tubal scarring. This blocks the tubes and makes them less likely to reabsorb the water they normally would. We can't make them reabsorb the water, and would not want to make them not produce the water in the first place since that is a healthy part of their functioning, so it seems to me the only true answer is to heal the scarring, if this is possible. I think often women are told this can be done only by removing the tubes altogether or cutting them open through surgery. The latter only for young women with minimal scarring, though even then the recurrence rate is high.
I understand too that IVF, though bypassing the fallopian tubes, is still at risk since some of this fluid, potentially harmful to the fetus, can leak back into the uterus. In this case the only answer is removing the tubes.
My love of herbal medicine has not only to do with the plants, but the approach to health. I know you want a child and it sounds like you are comfortable with many surgical procedures that feel too invasive to me. I heard you say you want to be made whole, I am guessing this is by conceiving a child, though on the path have had many outside influences prodding you to move in a direction that does not at the moment seem natural for you. I can not decide for you about the surgery and since you ask about natural remedies, if it were me I would stick with what I mentioned before, given the high success rate I have heard about conception even for those with tubal scarring when drinking Red Clover infusions.
Keep in mind though I am not too familiar with your condition other than what I have read so do not know the success rate for those with not only scarring but experiencing the hydrosalpinx. The scarring is your main problem, and the hydrosalpinx the symptom of it. Of course the scarring can be a symptom of something still occurring, though I imagine this has already been explored. The symptom of hydrosalpinx may be seen as the problem if you only wish to conceive through IVF. I have read that the fertility drugs often used to help women conceive are possibly one contributor to an increase in the hydrosalpinx, as can be the testing used to diagnose it. You can read a bit about this on this website.
I also again encourage you to post at the forum to hear the experiences and ideas of others. I would so like to support you in any decision you choose. I share my thoughts because you ask them though respect your life choices. Please let me know if I can help further. You are always welcome to write!
Karen Joy
[email protected]
Really appreciated, information shared was really fantastic, good job, keep sharing and making us aware through your article.
Posted by: Elawoman | March 14, 2019 at 04:10 AM
29 year old female, hydrosalpinx in both tubes, 11 years married. Taking vitex since feb 15... Wondering if i have a chance to even concieve one day. I have tried everything from hsg to iui. Nothing seems to work. I refuse to have my tubes taken out. I want to heal myself naturally
Posted by: Dreamer82 | February 26, 2012 at 09:26 PM