Welcome to the Wise Woman Community Weblog

Please enjoy this space and if you would like to contribute your wisdom, go to the "pass the talking stick" room to post, below are directions...

this space is for women to share their articles, poems, thoughts, art, music, inspirations....share your wisdom and pass the talking stick...enjoy.

directions for posting your wise woman wisdom here..

1. go to log-in page: http://www.typepad.com/t/app/weblog

2. user name is: WiseWomanGuest

3. password is: talkingstick

4. once logged in, create a new post

4b. choose the category that best fits your post content.

5. include your name in your post and your website or email if you like..

5b. publish your post!

6. please do not edit member profile or any other posts

7. having problems or if you are interested in being a regular guest contributor at the Wise Woman Community Weblog, contact me at: [email protected]


If wishing instead to ask health or herbal questions of others, please do make use of our forum or email group


Wise Woman Community Weblog sponsored by www.susunweed.com